When purchasing a Speech intelligibility STIPA measurement, our expert will visit you to perform the measurement. We make an appointment for this by phone or e-mail. Afterwards, you will receive a comprehensible report on this acoustic survey.
Performing STIPA measurements provides insight into speech intelligibility or Speech Transmission Index. Specific advice can be given on the basis of the measurement results. In this way, we ensure optimum speech intelligibility.
Therefore, a speech intelligibility measurement is an excellent means of determining the acoustics of a room. Based on the measurement data, it can be assessed whether or not the room meets user requirements. This gives you the assurance that you are not buying unnecessary materials. Moreover, if you decide to purchase the required materials or products from us after the measurement, the cost of the measurement will be deducted from the total cost!
A STIPA measurement includes a reverberation measurement RT60 and a speech intelligibility measurement
Products and solutions
Acoustics Label products are specially developed to improve acoustics. The material in these products has an absorbent capacity. By placing them in the relevant room, the sound waves are, as it were, absorbed.' This reduces long-distance sound waves (reverberation), while improving speech intelligibility over short distances.
Speech intelligibility measurement (STIPA)
Acoustics Label carries out various measurements of acoustics, for which we use the software SMAART and Room EQ Wizard, among others. For the measurement of speech intelligibility (STIPA), we use software from NTiAudio and StudioSixDigital .Speech intelligibility can be assessed by measuring the STI value (sometimes also referred to as STIPA measurement).